
The deep value determines how many levels of data are returned by a query. Only things count towards this value. See deep() for more info about the deep value.

The default deep value for the @node and @thingsdb scopes has been set to 1. Collections will inherit the deep value from the @thingsdb scope so they also have 1 as their default unless the @thingsdb scope is changed.

This function can be used to change the deep value for a scope.

Be careful with changing the deep value as this will effect queries where deep has not explicitly been specified. In ThingDB version 1.2.x the default value was set to 127.

Use deep(); to view the current deep value in a scope.

This function generates a change.


set_default_deep(scope, deep)


Argument Type Description
scope str (required) Specify the scope to change the time zone for.
deep int (required) New deep value, between 0 and 127.

Return value

Returns nil if successful.


This code changes the password for user admin:

// Change the default deep value for collection "stuff" to 127
set_default_deep('//stuff', 127);

Return value in JSON format
