

The ThingsDB.Connector library requires .NET8.

This library is distributed via NuGet.

Using a package manager:

Install-Package ThingsDB.Connector

Or, by using NET CLI:

dotnet add package ThingsDB.Connector

Quick usage

using System;
using ThingsDB;

namespace HelloWorld
    class Program
        static async Task Example()
            // replace `localhost` with your ThingsDB server address and optionally
            // provide a port and enable TLS/SSL. (see documentation)
            Connector conn = new("localhost");

            // replace 'admin' and 'pass' with your username and password or a valid token
            await conn.Connect("admin", "pass");

            // perform a query; the documentation shows more examples
            var response = await conn.Query(@"//ti
                'Hello World!';

            // unpack and return the result
            var result = Unpack.Deserialize<string>(response);

            // write the result to the console output

            // close the connection when finished
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // async code so we use a Task
            Task.Run(() => Example()).Wait();

More info

A more complete description of the C# connector can be found in one of the links below.