Publish a module

Modules can be published using a GitHub repository. A module repository mush at least contain a module.json file and the module file to start.


Example of a module.json:

    "doc": "Demo module",
    "version": 11,
    "main": "",
    "defaults": {
        "load": true,
        "deep": 0
    "exposes": {
        "ping": {
            "defaults": {
                "message": "ping"
            "argmap": []
        "msg": {
            "argmap": ["message"]
    "requirements": [

Key: doc (optional)

Type string or null.

Should contain a description for the module or a link to the module documentation. If omitted or null, no documentation will be available. The documentation can be viewed with module_info(<name>).load().doc;

Key: version (required)

Type string or number.

A string must by in the format of digits separated by dots. Examples of valid versions: "0.1.0", "2.0", "42", or just numbers like 1, 3.2.

Note: when a number is used, the number will be converted to a string in ThingsDB.

Key: main (required)

Type string or map.

Path to the main file for the module. This should be either a binary file or a Python file (ending When using a Python file, this module will automatically be marked as a Python module and started using the Python interpreter.

Instead of a string with a singe file, it is also possible to use an platform/architecture mapping for pointing to the correct binary. The key should consist of the platform and architecture combined with a slash (/). You can view which platform and architecture your ThingsDB node(s) are running on by using the following command in the @node scope:

x = node_info().load(); `{x.platform}/{x.architecture}`;

Example of a main key with some common platform/architecture mappings:

    "main": {
        "linux/386": "bin/demo_linux_386.bin",
        "linux/amd64": "bin/demo_linux_amd64.bin",
        "linux/arm": "bin/demo_linux_arm.bin",
        "linux/arm64": "bin/demo_linux_arm64.bin",
        "freebsd/386": "bin/demo_freebsd_386.bin",
        "freebsd/amd64": "bin/demo_freebsd_amd64.bin",
        "freebsd/arm": "bin/demo_freebsd_arm.bin",
        "freebsd/arm64": "bin/demo_freebsd_arm64.bin",
        "darwin/amd64": "bin/demo_darwin_amd64.bin"

Note that we placed the binaries in a bin folder. This is important as large files should be in either in a bin/, blob/ or blobs/ folder in the root of the repository.

Key: defaults (optional)

Type map.

It is possible to provide some global defaults for this module. All the defaults which are configured at the root of the module will be used by all exposed functions and also when the module is used directly. It is possible to overwrite defaults with an exposed function and defaults may also be overruled when using the module.

Example defaults:

    "defaults": {
        "load": true,
        "deep": 0

The load parameter (default: false) determines how a module’s response is processed in ThingsDB. When set to false (default), the response remains in its raw MessagePack data format (mpdata). This allows you to work directly return the data or unpack it manually later. However, choosing true simplifies usage by automatically unpacking the MessagePack data upon retrieval. While convenient, unpacking adds some processing overhead, so consider this trade-off when making your selection.

The deep parameter controls how deeply nested data structures are unpacked within arguments passed to the module. In most cases, a value of 0 or 1 will suffice. Module arguments behave similarly to client responses, respecting the wrap(..) method for control over sent data.

Key: includes (optional)

Type array with string and/or map items.

Each file in the includes array will be copied to the module folder. If files depend on a platform/architecture, a map might be used to copy only the applicable file(s). Like with main, large files should be placed in either a bin/, blob/ or blobs/ folder.

Key: exposes (optional)

Type map with a doc, defaults and/or argmap key. All keys are optional.

Expose functions to ThingsDB which might be easy to use. An exposed function may have some default values and may also map positional arguments to key/value pairs. The latter can be done by using the optional argmap key.

The following keys can be used in an exposed function map:

  • doc (optional): Documentation or link to documentation of the exposed function.
  • defaults (optional): Defaults for this exposed function. Global defaults will be inherited but may be overwritten here.
  • argmap (optional): Map positional arguments to key/value pairs. If not given the argmap ["*"] is used.

For example: suppose we have a module demo which requires a message argument. To use this module we would have to call the module like this:

demo({message: "my beautiful message"});

Instead, we could expose a msg function and map the first argument to the message key.

    "exposes": {
        "msg": {
            "argmap": ["message"]

Now, we can write the following in ThingsDB:

demo.msg("my beautiful message");

In combination with defaults it is possible to expose some nice and handy functions to ThingsDB. It is also possible to combine positional arguments with a (optional) thing as properties. This can be done with the special "*". For example:

    "argmap": ["message", "*"]

The above will first capture the "message" as first argument, and accepts a second argument which must be nil or a thing.

Instead of parsing exposed functions to the module, simple closures may also be exposed. The first argument to such closure is the module itself:

    "exposes": {
        "msg": {
            "argmap": ["message"]
        "say_hello": "|this| this.msg('Hello!!')"

Key: requirements (optional)

Type array of strings.

The requirements key can only be used in combination with Python modules. If omitted, a Python module will automatically look for a requirements.txt file in the root of your repository. If you do not want ThingsDB to perform that action, you may provide the requirements key with an empty array. "requirements": []. Each requirement should be formatted like pip is you expecting to, for example py-timod >= 0.0.6 is a valid requirement.