
Returns information about a specific scheduled backup.

Value Description
created_at Time Stamp when the backup schedule is created.
file_template Backup file template.
files List of successful backup files.
id Backup Id.
max_files Maximum number of backup files to store. The oldest file will be removed once max_files is reached.
next_run Only available when the backup job is scheduled to run. Contains a string with date/time for the next planned schedule, or pending when the backup is scheduled to start.
repeat Only available when the backup will repeat. Contains an integer value representing the repeat time in seconds.
result_code Only available if the backup job has started at least once. Contains the last result code. (0 when successful)
result_message Only available if the backup job has started at least once. Contains the last result message.

This function does not generate a change.




Argument Type Description
Id int Id of the backup schedule to return info for.

Return value


// Return backup info of scheduled backup with Id 0:

Example result in JSON format:

    "created_at": 1594902231,
    "file_template": "/tmp/backup_{DATE}_{TIME}.tar.gz",
    "files": [
    "id": 0,
    "max_files": 3,
    "next_run": "2020-07-17 23:00:00Z",
    "repeat": 86400,
    "result_code": 0,
    "result_message": "success - 2020-07-16 23:00:18Z"