
Re-schedules the task to a new date/time relative to the original start time. The task will run again at the new date/time, even if the task returns with an error.

It is only possible to use again_in within the callback of the parent task. If may however be used within a future or other closure, as long as this closure is nested within the tasks callback.

This function generates a change.


task.again_in(unit, num)


Argument Type Description
unit str (required) One of years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes or seconds.
num int (required) How many times to move the unit. A negative number will not work as this would shift the task to run in the past.

Return value

Returns nil when successful.


This code create a repeating task:

start = datetime().replace({
    hour: 23,
    minute: 0,
    second: 0,

// Create a repeating task (daily at 23:00)
task(start, |task| {
    task.again_in('days', 1);
    log('Daily task');

Example return value in JSON format

"<task:13 owner:admin run_at:2021-11-02T23:00:00Z status:nil>"