
Enumerators are a set of unique names coupled to a unique set of values. ThingsDB support enumerators for type int, float, str, bytes and thing, where all members must have the same type. Thus, it is not possible to have an enum type with for example both values of type int and str. Enumerators with type thing may contain both things and typed things as they are both compatible with type thing.

In addition to values, methods on enumerators can also be defined as closures. When a method is called, the first argument is the enum member. This can be useful for organizing code.


Function Description
name Return the name of the enum member.
value Return the value of the enum member.
Function Description
del_enum Delete an enumerator type.
enum Get an enumerator member by value.
enum_info Return info about the enumerator type.
enum_map Returns a thing with key/value pairs for all the members of a given enum.
enums_info Return info about all the enumerator types in the current scope.
has_enum Determine if the current scope has a given enumerator type.
is_enum Test if a given value is a member of an enumerator type.
mod_enum Modify an existing enumerator type.
rename_enum Rename the enumerator type.
set_enum Create a new enumerator type.


// Create an enumeration type using `set_enum`
set_enum('Severity', {
    CRITICAL: 1,
    MAJOR: 2,
    MINOR: 3,
    DEBUG: 4,
    str: |this| `{this.name()} ({this})`,

// Get a member by name
a = Severity{CRITICAL};

// Get a member by value
b = Severity(2);  // MAJOR

// Dynamically by name
c = Severity{||'MINOR'};

// Or, dynamically both by name and value
d = enum('Severity', 4);  // DEBUG

// Variable `a`, `b`, `c` and `d` are all members of type `Severity`
type_assert(a, 'Severity');
type_assert(b, 'Severity');
type_assert(c, 'Severity');
type_assert(d, 'Severity');

// The actual value can be accessed via the `.value()` function
assert( b.value() == 2 );

// Or, the name can be returned using the `.name()` function
assert( c.name() == 'MINOR');

// Methods can be defined. In the example we defined a method `str` for a string representation
assert( d.str() == 'DEBUG (4)');

// The value of the members will be returned in a response
[a, b, c, d];

Return value in JSON format
