This is the ThingsDB documentation for version v0, click here for the latest version!


Create (and configure) a new module for ThingsDB.

After a module is created, a future() is required to use the new module.

ThingsDB has special support for Python modules which will be activated if you module file ends with .py. In this case the Python interpreter will be used to start the module.

By default a module can be used in all scopes. It is possible however, to restrict the usage by using set_module_scope(..).

This function generates an event.


new_module(name, file, [configuration])


Argument Type Description
name str (required) Name of the new module.
file str (required) Filename of the module. The same file might be configured multiple times. The file must be path relative to the modules path). If the file ends with .py, the Python interpreter will be used to start the module.
configuration any (optional) Configuration for the module. The configuration will be packed using a fixed deep value of two (2). If omitted (or nil), no configuration will be used for the module.

Return value

Returns nil. You might want to use module_info(..) to check if the module is successfully running.


Create a new module DEMO1:

new_module('DEMO1', 'demo');

Return value in JSON format
